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For those who likes US style Golden Retriever, and want to study more about that Breed, some famous dogs must know:

对喜欢美国式金毛猎犬并且对它希望了解更多的人而言, 一些著名的犬是你们必须知道的:

1. Signatures Natural Wonder

2. Cummings Gold-Rush Charlie

3. Asterlings Wild Blue Yonder

4. Suntorys Loveit A Cherrybrook3a1

5. Lovejoy Catch Me if you Cancan

6. Rush Hills Häagen-Dazs

7. Amberacs Asterling Aruba

8. Faeras Destiny Kodiak Kidd

9. Goodtimes Best Case Scenerio

10. Summits Carrera Dom Perignon


All the above dogs/*****s are the main stream and foundation of todays Golden Retriever.

If you want to go for a Golden retriever, you should remember the above dogs name, and study them in details including structure, movement, color, head, everthing including siblings.华

所有以上的犬都是当代金毛巡回犬的渊源和基础. 如果你想往一只金毛巡回犬, 你应该记住以上的犬名, 并研究他们的细节包括体型, 运动, 颜色, 头型, 所有细节包括血缘.

For those who likes US style Golden Retriever, and want to study more about that Breed, some famous dogs must know:

对喜欢美国式金毛猎犬并且对它希望了解更多的人而言, 一些著名的犬是你们必须知道的:

1. Signatures Natural Wonder

2. Cummings Gold-Rush Charlie

3. Asterlings Wild Blue Yonder

4. Suntorys Loveit A Cherrybrook3a1

5. Lovejoy Catch Me if you Cancan

6. Rush Hills Häagen-Dazs

7. Amberacs Asterling Aruba

8. Faeras Destiny Kodiak Kidd

9. Goodtimes Best Case Scenerio

10. Summits Carrera Dom Perignon


All the above dogs/*****s are the main stream and foundation of todays Golden Retriever.

If you want to go for a Golden retriever, you should remember the above dogs name, and study them in details including structure, movement, color, head, everthing including siblings.华

所有以上的犬都是当代金毛巡回犬的渊源和基础. 如果你想往一只金毛巡回犬, 你应该记住以上的犬名, 并研究他们的细节包括体型, 运动, 颜色, 头型, 所有细节包括血缘.

